14,5 °C

About This Weather Station

Davis Vantage Pro 2

Welcome to your new about page!

Thank you for installing the Belchertown weewx skin!

This is your default about page. To change this text:

  • Create a new file at skins/Belchertown/about.inc, or rename the skins/Belchertown/about.inc.example file to about.inc
  • Use the example text within skins/Belchertown/about.inc.example to create your about page description!
  • Full HTML, and weewx variables are accepted.

To show built in weewx variables (like station battery status (if supported), temperature, weewx version, etc.), just add them to this file. For example:

  • Station hardware: Vantage Pro2
  • Server uptime: 677738 seconds
  • WeeWX uptime: 677732 seconds
  • WeeWX version: 4.10.2
  • Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3.1

For an example of what this page could say, please see https://belchertownweather.com/about. If you need more help, refer to this link.

Enjoy your new weewx skin!